• Question: Did you used to watch science-related shows as a child?

    Asked by giuola to Meeks, Pete, Stephen, Steve, Tom on 21 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Pete Edwards

      Pete Edwards answered on 21 Jun 2010:

      Yes! I would watch as much science as I could get my eyes on 😉
      The programmes we had in my day were a little more serious, no bang goes the theory for us, but they were great and had a lasting effect on me.

    • Photo: Tom Hartley

      Tom Hartley answered on 21 Jun 2010:

      Hi giuola,

      Yes, and I think they had a big influence (in the end) on my choice of career. The best of all was David Attenborough’s Life On Earth. But I also remember programmes by David Bellamy, James Burke (Connections), Jonathan Miller, Carl Sagan, Tomorrow’s World (a regular show about science and technology). I used to watch Dr Who avidly – it helped me see scientists as interesting, quirky and even heroic (the current series is back up to the standards I remember as a child, with much better special effects).

      I answered another question about this. Here’s what I said about current TV…

      “Science on TV went through a bad patch in the last decade, but it is right back on course now – I think somebody really good must have been promoted at the BBC (because most of the good programmes are on BBC). I enjoyed Brian Cox’s Solar System programmes, and I learned something new in every episode. I also saw a really excellent science documentary on BBC4 which was about Jocelyn Bell Burnham, who discovered pulsars – an amazing, resiliant and open-minded scientist. That was one of the most accurate and inspiring programmes about being a scientist I’ve seen – brilliant. Jocelyn made this incredible discovery when she was a PhD student, and her supervisor (who obviously helped her a lot) won the Nobel Prize for it. Even though she missed out (which seemed a bit unfair) she wasn’t too worried. But when her discovery was initially reported she phoned her school science teacher to tell him, and she got a little tearful when she remembered the conversation – you could tell that the opinion of her teacher meant more to her than the Nobel Prize. I found this incredibly moving and I’m tearing up just thinking about it (but I am a bit emotional sometimes).”

    • Photo: Stephen Curry

      Stephen Curry answered on 21 Jun 2010:

      Hi Giuola,

      I did watch some, though there didn’t seem to be as many as there are now.

      I remember a series caled “Connections” with James Burke, who was the BBC’s main science presenter at the time. It was about showing interesting connections between different bits of science and technology (if I remember correctly).

      I also liked “Tomorrow’s World” which again was a mix of sci and tech (though mostly tech). Unfortunately it’s not on any more.

      Recently I bought the DVDs for a series called “The Ascent of Man” which was made by the BBC in 1973. I don’t remember watching it at the time (I was only 9) but, having seen it recently, I am of the opinion that it is by far the best science documentary I have EVER seen.

      I’m not sure what year-group you are in but I would have thought that anyone above 15 who is very interested in science would enjoy it too. It may seem a bit slow compared to modern programs but the presenter Jacob Bronowski is very good at explaining things.

    • Photo: Marieke Navin

      Marieke Navin answered on 21 Jun 2010:

      Hey Giuola there used to be a show called Tomorrow’s world which I used to like. There was also a brilliant family show about health that i loved, can’t remember what it was called though. Do you watch the current science shows that are on?
