• Question: What university is bets for studying Gynaecology and Obstetris?

    Asked by francisca to Tom on 22 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Tom Hartley

      Tom Hartley answered on 22 Jun 2010:

      These are both specialisms within Medicine, so if you want to be a Gynecologist or Obstetrician (hard words to spell!) you will need to study to become a doctor first.

      Here is a list of medical schools organized in a league table. Getting into medical school is difficult, and a medical degree is a long and very demanding task, but if you want to be a doctor, you should go for it!

      Other subjects to study (if you aren’t so keen on Medicine) might be Nursing, Anatomy, Biology. You can find league tables for these on the same website. You should do some research about what each course involves, and what career options would be open to you, before making your decision. Best of luck.
