• Question: where did you travel after your travels? x

    Asked by maury0893 to Meeks on 14 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Marieke Navin

      Marieke Navin answered on 14 Jun 2010:

      I have been really lucky that I have had lots of chances to travel. University is great because you get massive summer holidays! During my uni holidays I did Camp America, so worked at an American camp in New York all summer and travelled around a bit of America afterwards. I also travelled from Nairobi to Cape Town with a group of girls. And I went to Astronomy Camps in Germany, Spain and Slovenia.

      When I finished uni I took a year out to travel. However it took me a year working to save up enough money! once i had the money i bought a round the world ticket which was the best thing I ever did. I went to Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and America. It was brilliant. I also did voluntary work in Ghana, west Africa. I worked as a science teacher and in an orphanage. It was a really difficult experience.

      I love travelling and travel as much as I can. Scientists get lots of opportunity to travel since we work in massive multinational collaborations.
