• Question: Why do we shiver when its cold?

    Asked by popthebottle to Meeks, Pete, Stephen, Steve, Tom on 19 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Marieke Navin

      Marieke Navin answered on 18 Jun 2010:

      I think it’s to generate some energy so we can warm up again. Heat is just movement after all – the more you move the hotter you are

    • Photo: Stephen Curry

      Stephen Curry answered on 19 Jun 2010:

      Shivering is a way of using your muscles to heat yourself up. Anytime you exercise, your body warms up because the chemical reactions that power your muscles release heat as a by-product (same thing happens to a car engine).

      Shivering is a way of getting your muscles to work without really doing anything – but you at least get the benefit of the heat release.
